Self referencing table and join query with ModelAlias in Vapor

Self Referencing Table

A self referencing table is a table where the primary key on the table is also defined as a foreign key. Self-referencing table is a table that is a parent and a dependent in the same referential constraint. I. e. in such tables a foreign key constraint can reference columns within the same table.

For example we have a table for categories where we are storing all the categories and sub-categories:

id name parent_id
1 OS  
2 iOS 1

In the above example, the sub-category iOS has a parent_id which is an id of a record in the same table. We can implement the same in Vapor as below:

// Category.swift
@ID(custom: "id")
var id: Int?
@Field(key: "name")
var name: String
@Field(key: "parent_id")
var parentId: Int?

We want to return the categories with Parent object as below:

struct CategoryResponse: Content {
  var id: Int?
  var name: String
  var parentId: Int?
  var parent: Category?

  static func fromCategory(req: Request, category: Category) -> EventLoopFuture<CategoryResponse> {
    return Category.query(req: req.db).filter(\.$id == category.parent_id).first().map { parentCategory in 
      return CategoryResponse(id:, name:, parentId: category.parentId, parent: parentCategory)

// CategoriesController.swift
return Category.query(req: req.db).all().map { categories in 
  return { CategoryResponse.fromCategory(req: req, category: $0) }

This code will work and return the parent object for all the categories. But this will cause a performance issue if you have lots of records in this table, because we are fetching the parent category inside a loop. The number of queries required to fetch the parent categories depends on the number of categories in the table, so more number of records cause more time to complete this task.


To avoid the N+1 queries, we use joins. For example we have 2 tables users and profiles:

// User.swift
@ID(custom: "id")
var id: Int?
@Field(key: "name")
var name: String

// Profile.swift
@ID(custom: "id")
var id: Int?
@Field(key: "image")
var image: String
@Field(key: "user_id")
var userId: Int?

We can join the tables to avoid performance issue:

// UserResponse.swift
struct UserResponse: Content {
  var id: Int?
  var name: String
  var profile: Profile?

// CategoriesController.swift
return User.query(req: req.db).join(Profile.self, on: \User.$id == \Profile.$userId).all().flatMapThrowing { users in 
  return try { try CategoryResponse(id: $, name: $, profile: $0.joined(Profile.self)) }

This will generate only one query to fetch all the users and its profiles. But we cannot use join the same way in the self referencing table, because join on the same model won’t work in Fluent.


We have to use ModelAlias, Model aliases allow you to join the same model to a query multiple times. To declare a model alias, create one or more types conforming to ModelAlias.

The categories example can be implemented as below:

// Category.swift
@ID(custom: "id")
var id: Int?
@Field(key: "name")
var name: String
@Field(key: "parent_id")
var parentId: Int?

@OptionalParent(key: "parent_id")
var parentCategory: Category?

final class ParentCategory: ModelAlias {
    static let name = "parent_categories"
    let model = Category()

struct CategoryResponse: Content {
  var id: Int?
  var name: String
  var parentId: Int?
  var parent: ParentCategory?

// CategoriesController.swift
return Category.query(req: req.db).join(ParentCategory.self, on: \Category.$parentCategory.$id == \ParentCategory.$id).all().flatMapThrowing { categories in 
  return try { try CategoryResponse(id: $, name: $, parentId: $0.parentId, parent: $0.joined(ParentCategory.self)) }
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