S3 integration with Vapor

We use S3 to store files in the cloud for easy and secure access. We use some Vapor packages to integrate Vapor application with S3. The implementation is different for the Vapor versions.

Vapor 4 Integration


Add the S3 package to the dependencies and target.

dependencies: [
    .package(name: "AWSSDKSwift", url: "https://github.com/swift-aws/aws-sdk-swift.git", from: "4.7.0"),
targets: [
    .target(name: "App", dependencies: [
        .product(name: "S3", package: "AWSSDKSwift"),


Put Object:

import S3

struct FileRequest: Content {
    var file: File?

let fileRequest = try req.content.decode(FileRequest.self)
let file = fileRequest.file
let data =  Data(file.data.readableBytesView)
let putObjectRequest = S3.PutObjectRequest(acl: .publicRead, body: data, bucket: "bucket", contentLength: Int64(data.count), key: "path")
let s3 = S3(accessKeyId: Environment.get("S3_KEY")!, secretAccessKey: Environment.get("S3_SECRET")!, region: .region)
return s3.putObject(putObjectRequest).flatMap { _ in
    // Store the path to db for future reference

Get Object:

let s3 = S3(accessKeyId: Environment.get("S3_KEY")!, secretAccessKey: Environment.get("S3_SECRET")!, region: .region)
return s3.getObject( S3.GetObjectRequest(bucket: "bucket", key: "path")).flatMapThrowing({ response in
    return String(data: response.body!, encoding: .utf8)!

Vapor 3 Integration


Add the S3 package to the dependencies and target.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/LiveUI/S3.git", from: "3.0.0"),
targets: [
    .target(name: "App", dependencies: ["S3",]),


Register the service:

import S3

try services.register(s3: S3Signer.Config(accessKey: Environment.get("S3_KEY")!, secretKey: Environment.get("S3_SECRET")!, region: Region(name: .region)), defaultBucket: "bucket")


Put Object

import S3

struct FileRequest: Content {
    var file: File?

return try req.content.decode(FileRequest.self).flatMap { fileRequest in
    let file = File.Upload(data: Data(fileRequest.file.data.withByteBuffer { $0 }), bucket: "bucket", destination: "path", access: .publicRead)
    let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
    return try s3.put(file: file, headers: [:], on: req).flatMap { _ in
        // Store the path to db for future reference

Get Object:

let s3: S3Client = try S3(defaultBucket: Environment.get("DEFAULT_PUBLIC_BUCKET")!, signer: req.makeS3Signer())
return try s3.get(file: "path", on: req).map({ response in
    return String(data: response.data, encoding: .utf8)!
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